Mike Hanley

Why don't you tell us a bit about the ranching heritage here? Response
Are there a lot of families that have been here a long time . . like the Owyhee? Response
When you talk about land use, what do you think is the proper use for the BLM? Response
What do you say to the people who say we need less cattle out here and more protection of the environment? Do you guys feel like you really do take care of the place? Response
So this idea to make it a national monument . . Response
So, how do you feel the BLM is handling all this? Response
Is it getting tough to be a rancher? Response
Is there any middle ground where you can work together with some of the other groups? Response
There was some movement on that . . there's a group you're putting together . . with different opinions on various sides. Response
What do you hope for the future of these Owyhee lands? What would you like to see happen? Response
What about the other side that says it's public land and you shouldn't be using it that way? Response
What do you have in terms of personal feelings for this lifestyle? What do you like about it? Response
What do you think about [the Owyhees]? It's where your allotment iswhat do you think about that land? Response
What do you think the special qualities of the Owyhee canyon are? Response
And what's it like when you're working cows out there? Do you like it? Response
Is there anything you think it's important for people to know about? Response

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